First Official Post

So… when I first started talking about writing this blog and giving my friends a taste of what I would be posting I got one general response.  It sounds so negative, and when I thought about it, they were right.  Mostly the things I’d been thinking of posting about were pretty negative.  However, to start of my blog I have something GREAT to post about.  I’ll start from the beginning…

I wasn’t doing much at work, per usual as faithful readers will come to learn, and so I decided to start my blog during my lunch break.  I was having a bit of a shitty day and I didn’t feel like doing much of anything, and to my surprise ,at the end of the day I realized, by hearing another co-worker announce it, that I had a meeting after work.  The meeting ran long, as they always seem to do, and I realized I left my keys in the apartment, and I missed my train back into the city.  Then when I finally did get a train, I had to sit by the bathroom to boot.  Awesome trip to say the least.  When I finally got back to the apartment, I leaned on the doorbell, and when the BF opened the door he seemed a bit…on edge.  After my welcome home kiss, he announced that he had something he HAD to tell me.  To be honest, my first thoughts were SHIT… WTF could it be.  The following options raced through my mind: he crashed the car, our rent checks bounced, he threw away some of my clothes to make more space in the closet.  It could be any one of these things.  However the surprise was…DRUM ROLL- he made dinner!  Not only did he make dinner- but he made my favorite: salmon, which we usually don’t buy because 1) it’s expensive and 2) the BF is allergic. As I inhaled my portion, I realize a huge plus to living in sin is that I always have someone to come home to, who usually is happy to see me, and sometimes can even turn my whole day around with a thoughtful gesture.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  As you will see from this blog, living in sin definitely has its ups AND downs, but today was an up and, I thought, the perfect start to my blog.

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